Potential and opportunities...
"A new era is dawning"
It was not only due to luck, but also to a certain coincidence that two brothers appeared in the mid-1990s and marked the beginning of a new era for us.
Until then, our management had largely been run by a single person. Progress was gradual, sometimes even very modest. Between us, we were lagging behind somewhat. However, the two brothers recognise our potential and the resulting opportunities, which they can also exploit for themselves. Thanks to the trust of our founder, the Nowastowski brothers were given more and more space in our company and became a central part of its face.
Frono took over the development of sales in Germany, accompanied by the gradual recruitment of the first sales representatives. The collaboration with the Nowastowski brothers is so successful that our founder eventually asks them whether they would also like to take over sales abroad. With the founding of our Vertriebs GmbH, Frono is a thing of the past. We consolidate our position through systematic sales, product management, marketing and the introduction of new products. Agencies develop into subsidiaries. The breakthrough comes with a manufacturer of gantry washing systems and a wind power manufacturer in Aurich. The clamp comes to the fore and the idea for the push-in series takes shape.
Suddenly it was said: "This Chinese company from Hövelhof now has an independent idea." We sensed the market and gradually shifted our focus from contract manufacturing - a perspective that our founder naturally brought with him - to developing our own products. A significant milestone.
The biggest challenge for us is to find the right balance between what is feasible and what makes sense. We manage to do this quite well and continue to expand over the years. From a single catalogue, we develop a catalogue system with ten sub-catalogues, one website becomes six websites worldwide.
We promote our trade fair appearances, especially at the Hannover Messe. Our philosophy: Everyone who visits our stand is taken seriously! There are no second-class customers or suppliers. We make it possible for our customers to be heard at all times, from in-house customer support to product management and the executive board.
Of course, our products must also be convincing overall. Because the terminal block alone is not enough for us. We need to generate sales and expand the portfolio. A PCB terminal block programme will be integrated into our product portfolio in order to make ourselves more visible to the outside world.
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