The German edition of Coiltech, the smartest trade fair and conference in the coil & winding sector. The focus is on materials and machines for the production of electric motors, generators, transformers and coil windings.

Coiltech Deutschland 2025
26-27. March 2025

Visit us and our partners at these trade fairs, exhibitions and conferences in Germany.

Trade fairs in Germany

Fachpack 2025

In Europe, FACHPACK is a central meeting point for the packaging industry and its users. The event has been held in Nuremberg for over 40 years. The packaging trade fair provides a compact yet comprehensive insight into all relevant topics from the packaging industry. This includes solutions for product packaging for industrial and consumer goods, packaging aids and packaging materials, as well as for packaging production, packaging technology, logistics, packaging systems and packaging printing.

allaboutautomation Düsseldorf 2025

At all about automation, regionally based users and decision-makers meet with manufacturers of automation components and systems, suppliers of robotics solutions, integrators, software providers, service providers and distributors. In direct contact, suppliers and users design solutions on the way to flexible automation and smart production.

all about automation offers a modern and efficient trade fair concept. Thanks to the standardised system stand design, all players meet at eye level. The trade fair is characterised by its pleasant atmosphere, clarity and the high quality of the discussions.

Coiltech Deutschland 2025

The German edition of Coiltech, the smartest trade fair and conference in the coil & winding sector. The focus is on materials and machines for the production of electric motors, generators, transformers and coil windings.

allaboutautomation Hamburg 2025

At all about automation, regionally based users and decision-makers meet with manufacturers of automation components and systems, suppliers of robotics solutions, integrators, software providers, service providers and distributors. Solutions on the way to flexible automation and smart production are designed in direct contact.

all about automation offers a modern and efficient trade fair concept. Thanks to the standardised system stand design, all players meet at eye level. The pleasant atmosphere and the high quality of the discussions characterise the trade fair.

allaboutautomation Chemnitz 2025

At all about automation, regionally based users and decision-makers meet with manufacturers of automation components and systems, suppliers of robotics solutions, integrators, software providers, service providers and distributors. In direct contact, suppliers and users design solutions on the way to flexible automation and smart production.

all about automation offers a modern and efficient trade fair concept. Thanks to the standardised system stand design, all players meet at eye level. The trade fair is characterised by its pleasant atmosphere, clarity and the high quality of the discussions.

More about CONTA-CLIP

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Product portfolio from CONTA-CLIP

Our wide-ranging product portfolio enables us to provide customer-specific individualisations in the shortest possible time - without any lengthy product development phases.

Our products

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Why it's worth working for us

As a medium-sized and financially independent family business, we live the values of reliability and mutual respect every day. Every employee counts with us and contact with our employees is very important to us. We help our employees to achieve a good work-life balance.

Would you like to make an appointment with us at our trade fair stand? We look forward to hearing from you.

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