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With our digital catalogue, you can get an overview of our service portfolio and identify suitable solutions for your requirements in no time at all:

Our products

Connection technology


Row clamps and accessories

Anschlussarten Hauptseite Final 746x385px

Cable management


Cable management systems

KDS KES 780 746x385px



Electrical and electronic switch cabinet components

Elektronik UEbersichtsseite Richtig 680x462px



Marking systems

Csm 33002 0 Anwendung 2 57634fc431 680x462px



Enclosure technology

Gehäuse 2 780X530 680x462px

Printed circuit board connectors


Printed circuit board terminals and connectors

Leiterplattensteckverbinder 680x462px
Kontakt Produktanfrage online1 680x462px

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Virtual meeting

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In addition to our online product catalogue, we provide you with our product portfolio in ten clearly structured sub-catalogues.

Downloads web 680x462px

Sales partner

We are represented by our agencies and subsidiaries in over 48 countries.

Vertrieb web 680x462px


Have complex functionalities explained to you simply and clearly in sound and images.

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CONTA-CLIP product highlights


Item no.: 33000.0

The thermal transfer printing system for marking labels and signs for terminal blocks, cables and wires, devices, channels, input/output devices and external control panels.

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TTPCardMAX Automatic Kit

Item no.: 33002.0

The Automatic Kit expands the TTPCardMAX printing system for the automatic feeding of cards, magazine for automatic operation, support base ...

33002 0 680x462px

PTKS 4/SI 5x20 GR

Item no.: 27087.6

Transformer fuse terminal block, push-in connection, mounting type: special profiles, rated cross-section: 4 mm², width: 12.5 mm, colour: grey

27087 6 R 1 680x.462px


Item no.: 27087.6

Transformer terminal block, push-in connection, mounting type: special profiles, rated cross-section: 4 mm², width: 15 mm, colour: grey

27081 6 R 680x462px
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