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SPOT - The brand ambassador of CONTA-CLIP!

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Hello, my name is Spot!

You may already know me, but I'm often seen in my role as an expert on CONTA-CLIP solutions. But I'm not just here to explain products, I'm also here to convey messages: I stand for innovation and knowledge, for progress and transformation, for commitment and sustainability.

Weisses Bild
CCLI Spot 2D RZ Umwandlung

My story began with an incident that changed my life forever:

In the past, I was just a normal bloke. I was an electrician and worked in product development. I was really good at that. I found the right solution for every problem. But one day I connected the wrong cables. That happens and normally nothing happens. But at that moment, there was a bright flash of light....



A superpower unfolded in me!

My hair turned green and - as if that wasn't strange enough - my arms became flexible, stretchy and pliable. From that day on, I was able to shape them like never before. At first I tried to hide my extraordinary arms. But I quickly realised that they were perfect for getting to hard-to-reach places, highlighting the special features of our products or revealing sustainability potential. So, through a small moment of carelessness, I was given a gift that made me who I am today. I stand for transformation, innovation and commitment 

My flexo superpower is not only a practical tool, but also a symbol of our adaptability. This is how I embody the values and history of CONTA-CLIP: a company big enough to be a global player, yet small enough to remain a flexible partner. Old enough to be one of the experienced professionals, but young enough to have a bite to the cherry.

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CCLI Spot 2D RZ Team


Als mittelständisches Unternehmen ist CONTA-CLIP ständig darauf aus, sich selbst zu verbessern. Ich halte die Augen offen und zeige neue Wege auf. unsere eigenen Wertschöpfungsprozesse zu optimieren, nachhaltiger zu agieren und auch für unsere Kunden und Partner stets die besten Lösungen zu finden.


Da ich früher selbst in der Produktentwicklung gearbeitet habe, kenne ich mich mit den Lösungen von CONTA-CLIP bestens aus. Mit meinem Wissen und meinen Flexo-Kabel-Armen erläutere ich unsere Produkte praxisnah und anschaulich.


Mein Motto lautet: Teamwork makes the dream work". Ich glaube fest daran, dass wir nur gemeinsam unsere Ziele erreichen können. Deswegen sehe ich es als meine Aufgabe an, eine inspirierende und motivierende Atmosphäre zu schaffen, die das Engagement und die Zusammenarbeit fördert.

Trade fairs

I am also present at trade fairs and support our employees at our stand. You can find more information about the trade fairs I will be attending here.

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Products explained by me!

I will show you the wonderful world of CONTA-CLIP products. My team and I have the right solution for all your problems. See for yourself!

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Our responsibility "I am also a sustainability ambassador"

We all care about our environment and want to work together for a sustainable future. In addition to economic sustainability, which forms the basis for healthy growth for CONTA-CLIP as a company, we are equally committed to ecological and social sustainability.

Honestly, however, it is sometimes not so easy to consistently put these goals into practice. In practice, it often becomes clear just how complex it can be to change processes so that they really do become more sustainable.

As a sustainability ambassador, I therefore take a very close look at our company and look for ways and means to improve our everyday life with regard to the ecological, economic and social aspects of our actions. That way, we can learn and develop together.

Showing responsibility...