All rights at the used texts, pictures and Logos are reserved to CONTA-CLIP Inc. They are subject to the copyright protection and other patent rights and may not be used, copied, spread or changed for commercial purposes. The employed CONTA-CLIP Logo is protected and may not be used without special written permission by the CONTA-CLIP Inc. neither for advertising purposes, nor for the public spreading of the information offered here.
The CONTA-CLIP InterNet pages were arranged with the maximal attention. For the correctness and accuracy of the information offered CONTA-CLIP declines any liability. Further any liability of CONTA-CLIP is excluded for any damage which results directly or indirectly develops from the use of the CONTA-CLIP InterNet pages.
Any links on the CONTA-CLIP InterNet pages to other providers are serving for the comfort of the user. However no liability or representation for contents of these pages is taken over. Providing these links does not imply that CONTA-CLIP approves of the content or other material presented on these websites and it does not imply any kind of connection of CONTA-CLIP with the hosting parties of these websites. The use of the Link is subject to the sole responsibility of the user.
From the use of the pages do not result any contractual or other relationship between the CONTA-CLIP GmbH and the user if not explicitly stated or indicated otherwise. CONTA-CLIP reserves the right to perform any modification of the InterNet pages at any time as well as the cease of the operation of the InterNet pages.
If personal data of the customer are queried on the CONTA-CLIP Internet pages, the specification of these data is voluntary. These data are confidentially treated and processed only in the context of the regulations of the Federal Law for Data Protection.